Friday, September 25, 2009

The NBA is Fantastic!

Unite! October 4th 5-8:30pm @ First Bapitst Church, Mt. Washington and Monday, October 5th, 9:50 am - 3:30 pm.
Plan to join us for the Annual Meeting of the Nelson Baptist Association. This night of worship will showcase the vision that the NBA has been building for the new year under our new team structure. Please register for the meals, child care, and Kidz Worship at by Monday, September 28th.


There are times in my life when I really have to concentrate, like when I'm trying to sing and clap my hands at the same time! God did not give me an overabundance of natural musical rhythm to say the least. I do believe, however, that God has established certain rhythms in this universe that we need to live by. From creation, God established a rhythm to the universe:

"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and morning, the first day. . . .And God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.' And it was so.
Genesis 1:3-5, 14-15

The rhythms that God has created give shape and pattern to a healthy life. I need some rhythms, like my heart and lungs, to repeat their patterns constantly. Other patterns, like sleep, need daily repetition to keep things in balance. God established a pattern for weekly rest. The pattern of the phases of the moon gave ancient Israel a religious pattern of worship as it waxed and waned monthly. The seasons of the year were established by God for a pattern of growth and decay, planting and harvest. Even the rhythm of life's span is established by God as we are born, grow, mature and die.

The natural pattern of human death that we observe was not the original created order, however! Death came through the sinful disobedience of humanity and disrupted the rhythm of life that God created. The entrance of sin brought many disruptions to the rhythmical patters God created. Humanity often avoids weekly rest, our hearts and lungs flutter and sputter at times, the seasons do not always yield their harvest. Creation often reflects the discord of sin rather than the harmony of the Creator.

God acted to restore the rhythm of His creation by sending Jesus Christ to be our Redeemer. Jesus has paid the penalty for sin and its curse by dying on the cross. His resurrection proved that there could be a restoration to the pattern of eternal life that God intended. We find a restored rhythm in returning to our Creator when we trust Christ.

As a beleiver, I enjoy returning to the rhythms God has intended. In addition to the natural rhythms, I can enjoy some spiritual activities on a patterned basis. God tells me to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), a constant heartbeat of prayer. Daily time in prayer and Bible Study gives a rhythm to the devotional life of a believer that should refresh like sleep. Weekly corporate worship is as good for modern believers as it was for ancient Israelites. Even the seasons of the year should be reflected in our rhythms of service to God. (Read this as a plug to join us for our Fall Fellowship, September 26th!)

Believer, get back into rhythm with God! Jesus has given us the grace to return to God's pattern of living. Establishing spiritual rhythm may take concentration, effort, and practice, but the harmony it brings is worth the investment.

Rejoice evermore,
Bro. Richard