Friday, May 15, 2009

Congratulations to our SBTS Graduates!

Congratulations to Bro. Matt Thompson for graduating with the Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary! The weather for graduation was warm and sunny, but the ceremony was a great time to honor his accomplishment. New Salem is thankful to have Bro. Matt serve as our Minister of Students and Worship.

Further, we wish to congratulate Dr. Chris Holmes for receiving his Ph.D. from Southern. Dr. Holmes formerly served as our Minister of Music and Education before moving to Yellow Creek Bapitst Church in Owensboro.

Congratulations to both of these two men! New Salem has been blessed by their service to God.

Rejoice Evermore!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pastor's May Newsletter Article

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Dear New Salem Saints,

Yesterday, I tuned into the YouTube website to hear Susan Boyle sing. It was an outstanding performance and great entertainment, especially since the judges had dismissed her on looks beforehand. Many folks are tuned into various forms of entertainment, whether the new movies about to come out (I know many of you will go see Wolverine, Star Trek, and Harry Potter this Summer, like I likely will).

And why not? If we hang around and watch the news media, we are inundated with the worst news in most living memory. Housing prices are down, jobs are being lost or threatened, pirates are roaming the seas and now there is a scare of global pandemic from swine flu! If we look around at our neighbors, we know of cancer, sickness, heartache, divorce, addictions, lying, cheating, and violence. Some of us are feeling these troubles even in our own homes!

In the midst of troubled times, God tells us not to lose heart. How can we overcome the dread and deadening effects of these times? I believe we have three powerful helps from God: truth, power, and encouragement.

The truth is that God is still in control and his Word endures forever. His Word, the Bible, tells us that we will, even as Christians endure troubles. Yet we are not to let these troubles overwhelm us. The troubles that we experience in the world are the results of sin. Not that specific sins bring specific troubles in judgment necessarily, but that the “wages” of sin is death. This world has trouble because sin has brought a curse upon it. Yet the power of the curse is broken in Jesus Christ. He offers true forgiveness to the repentant guilty persons. With the forgiveness of Christ also comes the promise of eternal life. Let us not forget that death is not the worst thing that can happen to us. Facing an eternity without God in hell is the worst! Truth reminds us that we have the promise of eternal blessing in heaven where all the curse will be removed and every tear will be wiped away. Forever. What a comfort in times of trouble.

As believers, we also have the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. We are being spiritually renewed and built up by God in our inner person! The Holy Spirit empowers us to live and gives to us a peace that passes all understanding! Without God's power, I might surely despair, but with His power, I can rejoice.

Finally, we have the encouragement of God. He tells us not to lose heart! He comes alongside us and gives us the comfort of His love with all of its warmth and security. I feel bolder, calmer, and unafraid when I receive the encouragement of God.

Saints, do not lose heart! We don't need to merely distract ourselves from troubles with entertainment. Rather, we can relax in the truth, power and encouragement of God.

Rejoice evermore!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome to the blog and home page for the New Salem Baptist Church. We are located on Highway 523 in beautiful Nelson County, Kentucky. The site still has much work to be done, but we are glad you are here. God bless you.