Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Boomerang Express VBS

All Aboard! Vacation Bible School heads out on the Boomerang Express!
June 15th - 19th 6:00pm - 8:30 pm
All Children are invited to join us from 4 years old - 6th grade on the journey! All aboard the Boomerang Express, Where it all comes back to Jesus!

Enjoy the Journey Home (June Newsletter)

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

When vacation time rolls around this summer, I will once again set off to see my folks in Oklahoma. We've made the drive several times now and are becoming familiar with favorite and not so favorite rest stops and “fillin' stations” along the way. The familiarity of the stops helps us know how we are progressing on our journey. If all goes well and our stops are smooth, we know we will reach our destination soon and safely.

There are some parallels to a summer journey in our spiritual lives as well. We know that our final destination, heaven, is the eternal home of every believer, full of hope, joy, promise, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Yet the journey itself is unfamiliar to many people today. The Church should help us identify where we are along the journey. We should be able to look to other saints around us and learn how the journey should go and where the good “fillin' stations” are located.

Logically and obviously, we must all begin on the journey. The initial step on the journey to heaven is spiritual birth that comes from faith in Christ. When we repent of our sins and trust Jesus Christ, his grace provides us salvation that he secured on the cross at Calvary. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except by me.” Without faith in Christ and a personal experience of salvation that converts our hearts to Christian faith, our destination is not heaven! Begin the journey by making sure of your salvation, placing your faith in Christ alone, not in your efforts, works, background, or behavior.

The second stage on the journey comes as we get engaged in the journey of faith. Baptism and church membership would be necessary steps to move us along toward heaven (Not in the sense of giving us salvation, but helping us move forward in spiritual growth). Personal time with the Lord in prayer and Bible study are essential to our journey's prosperity. Practical involvement with a Sunday School class is a great help to our Christian journey.

As we journey along, we must become involved in serving the Lord. We should find others to join us on the journey. Brining others along with us includes regularly sharing our faith in Christ verbally and asking them to believe. We also progress by teaching, serving, giving, and going. Eventually, others will learn how to follow Christ by seeing our example.

One day, every believer will reach the destination! This is the promise of God. If we find difficulties, barriers, detours, and unexpected stops, God will be faithful to get us back on the journey towards heaven. God is at work to bring you along the journey. He has sights for you to see along the way. He will use you in his work as you follow Christ. If you are a Christian, God will see you through successfully to the City of Heaven! For that promise, we can
Rejoice evermore!
Bro. Richard